
Flowers, Gifts, Cosmetics, Accessories, Electronics, Appliances, Furniture, Toys… the list is endless, all through a simple text to your personal assistant!

Accessories & Cosmetics

We provide an infinite pool of options suited for your every need. Whether your looking for the perfect bag, a branded belt or a specific shade of Lipstick, all you need to do is text Mens Gida!

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Electronics & appliances

All your Electronic and Appliance needs in one place. We understand exactly what you need and get you the most reliable, trusted, and suitable solution at the most competitive price!

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Books & stationary

Can’t find that special book your looking for, need urgent supplies for your school tomorrow or maybe just need a few stationaries for home, all you have to do is simply text Mens Gida.

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Flowers & gifts

Whatever the occasion, whatever the requirement, Mens Gida has you covered. We will help you select,  buy and deliver tthe perfect flower and gfit to that special someone, all through a simple text message.

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